
Make me get up!

I have about a million things to do right now...clean the hardwood floors, sweep and mop the tile, loads of laundry, dusting ceiling fans, dishes, cleaning the laundry room, organizing the closets, removing dead plants from their pots, study for the APTTP (Alabama Prospective Teacher Test) that I have early Saturday morning, work on my seven page paper due next week....the list can go on and on, but what am I doing??? I am sitting in the bed with the covers pulled up to my waist and a computer in my lap. I have been sitting here since 6:30...three hours! That is crazy. At least I did create a monthly budget in Excel, write out the middle of the month bills and order some checks. Bmack is out of town for the next two days. I think I am just enjoying a lazy day....it has been FAR too long since my old friend Lazy and I have gotten to hang out. I'll have to make her leave soon. That list above is quite overwhelming! I think I'll post later of my accomplishments...a little accountability never hurt anyone.

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