
Possibly too brave

Not many people like to have their picture made in their swimsuit, much less a woman who is 34 weeks pregnant, but these were the only pictures we took at the beach. We had a great time and it will be fun telling E how her dad and I went wave jumping when I was pregnant with her. We stayed in the water the majority of the time...after I got finished reading the People magazine featuring Kate Gosselin. B bought it for me at Publix, but he read the article the night before! He promised not to tell me what Kate said. It's sad. I hope these two can work it out for the sake of all their precious children.

Anyway, back to the point...wave jumping. That's what I call it. We go out until the water is about to my neck and wait for big waves to come in and we jump in them, me always with my arms flying all in the air. The waves always carry me a long way. It was so relaxing and I loved feeling weightless.

We hope everyone had as great a weekend as we did!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Angie, you are precious with your big belly! I love it! I was not a fan of showing off my body UNTIL I got pregnant! It's a beautiful experience so let it all hang out! :)

PS--Jon & Kate have really disappointed me too... sad situation. :(