
Little things that make us really excited

Are we turning in to a mom blog? Maybe, maybe not? Oh well, we can't help that Everly's upcoming arrival is the most exciting thing happening in our lives! Here are a few small items that make us super excited and counting down the days...less than 50 now!
The first is the new rocker and ottoman from...du, du, du duh...Walmart! I love the rockers from Pottery Barn, but there is no way we would ever pay over $1000 dollars for a rocker. This one was about a third of that price and later on we can buy another slipcover and move it to another room in our home. It is very comfortable. I find myself sitting in the chair folding her clothes and thinking of other things I need to do before she arrives. Then I make a list...B has been giving me a hard time (only kidding I'm sure) about the lists. We now have a Daddy and Mommy "to-do" list with things we must accomplish before Everly makes her grand appearance. I am proud to say that both of us have checked off at least one thing and the lists just got printed on Wednesday! Like B says, "We've got this!".
The little table is from a flea market/antique mall in Opp. You can't really tell in the photo, but it is crackle painted with a little pink peeking through the white paint. I think I already posted about the lamp, but it is from the Simply Shabby Chic collection at Target...yes, Target has collections!
All those little play/sleep clothes in newborn/0-3 month sizes are washed and waiting for their home in baskets under the changing table. I just love the smell of Dreft detergent.
I have a good bit of free time each day and spend some of that time looking on eBay for bargains. I got this Kelly's Kids outfit NWT (new with tag if you're not down with the eBay lingo) for a great deal. She'll be able to wear it this Christmas...how exciting!
Last but not least is the carseat, part of the travel system I have had my eye on since probably the first week we found out we were pregnant. I found it online at http://www.netshops.com/ for a great deal and free shipping!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Fun stuff! It won't be long at all! I'm the new Kelly's Kids rep. for this area so you need to be hosting a party late this summer to get your sweet girl some FREE winter clothes!!! Take care and lets get together soon, like we've been saying we were going to do!