For dinner, I made Poppyseed Chicken casserole, noodles, and green bean bundles. She was most fond of the Sister Schubert's Parker House rolls. We also gave her a cupcake with a candle. She refused her smash cake and her cupcake. Go Babygirl! I don't mind one bit if she doesn't like sweets. She and I unpacked the rest of her birthday gifts and unpackaged everything. We had the best time just playing. I can't believe our sweet bundle of joy has turned one year old. Each day is better than before. We are so happy to be your parents. You are our world!
Sweet E Facts-
Words you can say-Dada, Momma, Pop, ball, nana(all food) and all kinds of other things that mommy can't understand :) Oh yeah, you said "thank you" the other day...or that's what it sounded like. It melted my heart :)
You haven't said kitty cat or fluff in a while.
Favorite foods-bananas, lasagna, english peas and carrots, cheese sandwiches, cheerios, and Earth's Best cereal bars
You've been drinking from your cup for over two months, but you've just got a taste for water which makes Mommy happy :)
You are still crawling everywhere. You can stand by yourself, but most of the time you like to hold on to things.
You love your dolls. It is so cute when we tell you to "love your baby". You will grab one and cuddle it.
You can climb on and off your Dora riding toy now. I love the look of accomplishment on your face!
You love books and turning the pages. I can ask you where certain things are on the page and you can usually show me.
You love to "cook". You got a pot for your birthday with foods, a blender for Christmas, and measuring cups for your birthday. We pull out everything and you cook for me.
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