
You know your pregnant when...

you wake your husband up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder with leg cramps! Saturday night, I woke up with the worst leg cramp I've ever had. I have heard they were common during pregnancy and I have one previously, but B was out of town for that one. This time I woke up from a dead sleep screaming and crying. He then woke up with no clue what was going on. When he finally got it out of me and then massaged it out...ouch! That hurt too! My leg bothered me all day Sunday. B made me drink a big glass of Gatorade before I went to sleep last night and that seemed to help. It may have been all in my head, but I didn't have cramps last night. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I helped host bunko Friday night and had a great time. It was so good to see everyone. Saturday I went to Florala with B's mom and aunt. We had a good time looking at all the antiques and finds at the shops. That night we had game night with our Sunday School class. We started off with a great onion dip and taco soup that Katie made...it was delicious! After dinner we played a game called Whoonu. It was so fun! It helps you learn alot about people that you don't really know and those you think you know the best. Whoonu B likes to be on time more than he likes salsa...and he LOVES salsa! Then we moved on over to Rock Band 2 on the Wii. What a blast! Kim and I started out on the vocals...um...we weren't good to say the least. We kept getting us booed off stage! Then Parrish realized we were not holding our mic close enough to our mouths. She moved on to drums and totally rocked. I was the vocalist the whole night(not that I can sing!). B tried it all(except singing). I got 100% on Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi and 99% on Red Hot Chili Pepper's Give it Away...that song is really hard to sing!! I would love a Wii after Little E is here. I have been wanting Wii Fit for a long time now! What more perfect way to get back in shape...no gym required!


Katelyn Ellis said...

I don't understand why B didn't sing! I've heard him sing "Livin' on Tulsa Time" quite well! = ) That was a Buddy Beck night..ha ha! Hope you don't have anymore leg cramps! I was at the hospital at 3:00 am this past Wed with horrible leg pain...wish it could have been massaged out like a cramp!


Julie said...

You don't know me,- but I found your blog on Kristen Wiggins'--one of my friends. I actually know your husband. He and I were summer workers at AEC MANY summers ago. Ask him if he remembers Julie (Kelley) Hardy? I'm now married to Jeremy Hardy, who works at PowerSouth-I'm sure Brett knows him. Anyway, just thought I would give you a little bit of advice with your leg cramps. After going through two pregnancies, I too had leg cramps during the night--severly. When this happens, if you'll immediately get off the bed and stand on the floor it will go away instantly. One of my friends informed me of this very same technique and it workedfor her as well. Just thought I'd let you know!! :) Hope all goes well with your pregnancy.

Kristen said...

I hope Julie's advice works for the leg crapms. (It didn't for me and like you I was sore for days afterwards, like I'd had a work out or something.) Remind me to tell you the crazy story of one of my last leg cramps. Will y'all be at the YF meeting tonight at Davids (7pm)? Hope so...see you then.

Amenick said...

BANANAS!! Dr. Waller told me to eat one every night before I layed down and lots of fluids during the day. I used to cry they hurt so bad and there is nothing like getting into a deep sleep to feel a sudden shooting pain in your calf, LOL