
Everly's bedding is ordered!

This morning I was so thrilled to place an order for our crib bedding! I can not wait for it to get here. I am a huge planner and this will give me lots of time to tweak the nursery down to the last accessory. I wanted one of the floral bedding sets shown here, but B thought they looked too "granny". So we compromised on the fabric shown below. It is called "Mimi's Tea Party" by Kelly Rightsell. If you are not familiar with her work (I wasn't until I was in search of fabric!), she has a website kellyrightsell.com featuring many of her items. Some of the items are boutique exclusives and you can find your local retailer on her site. She is a Southern Mama, I think this is what drew me to her style. I can wait until Everly (our daughter's name, in case I haven't stated before) gets a little older and I can set her up a little table with a tea party, just like Mimi!! Our bedding will be made similar to the "Emma" set shown using a mixture of stripes, polka dots and minky fabric. I will post pictures as soon as I get it. B is ready to start painting. I am so excited! I ordered a swatch, but I can't decide if we will use blue, green, or yellow. I will definitely have to consult with B, who would have thought he would have such an opinion of a little girl's room! Take care everyone and if you can remember, please pray for our friends The Hollands. Their son is only three months old and has been in the hospital all this week. The doctors are not sure why he is choking and having difficulties swallowing. He will soon be transferred to Children's Hospital. We pray the doctors will find a treatment and Hunter will be home healthy with his parents soon.


Amenick said...

Is the bottom picture with the elephant and bunny the pattern your using? Erica's nursery was done with here stuff "Little girls dance and twirl" Soo sweet

Kelly B. Rightsell said...

Hi, I am so honored that you chose my fabric for your sweet baby's bedding. I designed it from memories of my grandmother, "Mimi" who gave us tea parties when we were little. Have fun decorating for your little one. It is such a special time! Kelly

Amenick said...

Your goodies went in the mail today!! Make sure to let me know when you get them, Hugs!