
Thank a Farmer!

Sunday afternoon B needed to take his uncle's spreader back to his house. So we followed him in the truck with the flashers on. We took as many back roads as possible, but we had to get on 331 South for just a little piece (his uncle lives on that road). When we turned on the road there were no cars behind us. It is a very short drive down the road to his driveway, but we ended up with a line of traffic behind us. This road is very popular for beach traffic. We slowed down for B to turn left into the driveway and this car came flying by blowing their horn. Then B turned around to check the traffic and we put on our blinker to let the traffic know he was turning. Just about the time he started to turn another car came flying by!

This just ticks me off! Most farmers are very thoughtful people and will pull over to let traffic go around them. They do not want to drive their tractors and equipment on the road, but sometimes it is necessary. If you happen to drive upon a farmer, think about what their job is! That food you had this morning didn't grow itself and that beach towel you are so eager to lay on isn't made without cotton. Slow down and be a little patient, hey...if you're the first car behind the equipment it would be especially nice of you to turn your flashers on for him and warn other drivers. Your destination will still be there! Be grateful for our farmers, you would be mighty hungry without them!


Joey & Kami Scarborough said...

I agree! Great blog entry!

The Presleys said...

AMEN!!! I grew up in a farm family and know what you mean! People don't appreciate the real workers in this world! No one works harder than a farmer!! They provide for the world!

Kristen said...

You are so right. Its really tragic that people are ignorant enough to take our farmers for granted...the things we'd be without if it weren't for them. Not to mention how much we'd pay for EVERYTHING if we didn't have our local farmers. Thanks for that post!