
31 down, 9 to go!

Everything is going very well. I am just plugging away with classes and trying to finish up the semester. I had class in Phenix City over the weekend. I really loved that class, actually I have loved both of my weekend classes at Phenix City. I work really well under pressure and only going for two weekends and completing a whole semester's worth of work really agrees with me. I made a 100 on my "hook activity" Powerpoint project. I was so proud! It was a math lesson that included disco...yeah, disco music! Yesterday I observed at the middle school. The teacher I observed with did a wonderful job with such a tough age group...eighth grade...eeek! Then I had class last night.

Before B left for work today he told me to take it easy today. I have followed instructions completely! The only thing I have accomplished is light housework and looking for a condo for our May beach trip. He also instructed me to start packing my hospital bag. That was just so strange to hear! I know it's not that close, but he knows that I procrastinate on these types of things...you know, better under pressure!

Yesterday I ordered the final piece needed to complete the nursery...the rocker! We also ordered the travel system. I can not wait for it all to get here. I am getting so anxious and excited. I stop in the baby section EVERY time I am at Walmart and smell the baby lotion....weirdo...I know. The other day B and I were grocery shopping and I made him stop on the baby aisle. I popped open a bottle of lotion and just sniffed it. He was like, "what are you doing?" I told him that the smell made me excited...he just smiled!

So here's what's going on this week according to BabyCenter-

Your pregnancy: 31 weeks
See the big picture
How your baby's growing:This week, your baby measures over 16 inches long. He weighs about 3.3 pounds (try carrying four navel oranges) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy.


DuBose Family said...

Whew...moving right along! I can't believe that in a few short weeks we will be parents. Get busy on that hospital bag and diaper bag too. Remember, you and B will walk into the hospital as a couple and come out as a family! I'm smiling just thinking about it.

the jewells said...

You need to get you one of those candles that smells like baby powder. I got one at the Name Dropper in Montgomery when I was pregnant with William. I still have it in his room and we light it from time to time. I don't think you are weird at all. ;)

bethany@sippinsweetteablog said...

Angie, I just noticed the blog address at the bottom of your e-mail, so I thought I'd stop by to say, "hi" and let you know that I have a blog, too (so maybe you could put more faces with the folks you're giving baby ideas to). You and your fella are going to make great parents!

Anonymous said...

B is right---Pack that bag! It is never too soon to pack the bag! I delivered at 35wks! And I find it so cute that you stop in the baby dept. every time at Walmart... Just wait til Everly gets here. You won't be stopping by to browse, you will need EVERY item in that department! Ha!