
Giving too much...

Yesterday we received our weekly church bulletin, you know the usual goings on and such. I had the mail in the car with me when I went to run a few errands yesterday evening. I was sitting in the drive-thru at the pharmacy so I read my normal sections of the bulletin...well the lady in front of me must have had several things to fill so I had a lot of time. I began to read the Student Ministry (Jr. High and up) section written by our youth leader, Michael. I am so glad I did! I want to share with you his thoughts on Christmas.

"Is it possible that we give kids too much? Wise and thoughtful parents should pause to think about the need to give their kids the best life, rather than giving them the good life. Our lives and actions should communicate that the best life is found in living in relationship with God by God's will and way, according to His standards of success, The best life consists of directing all that we have, do, and are toward loving God in every minute of our lives. And then, because of our love for Him, we should love those around us rather than treating them as competition or the means to material ends."
Well said Michael! I never read this section, well because I don't have a child in the student ministry. It was really refreshing to read this and it really hit home. We've been trying to do activities to give E a good start to the meaning of Christmas. I've been reading her The REAL Christmas story and this week we attended the Happy Birthday Jesus party at our church as a family.
Since I've become a mother I've been struggling with who I am. I know I have characteristics that I do not want to pass on to my child. I hope that she is a generous, giving, kind young lady. I think B and I are both becoming better people knowing that every move we make is being watched by our little darling. It's tough sometimes though to break your habits...mine is definitely gossiping...I don't mean too...total habit! It's not malicious...more of a he said, she said...blah, blah, blah...

I have another great story from our bulletin this week that I hope to post soon. But for now...Merry CHRISTmas, teach your children the real meaning!

1 comment:

Amanda Mathis said...

Thank you so much for sharing that with us. We all need to be reminded sometimes of the true mean of Christmas. It is so easy to get caught up in the material things of Christmas. Thank you again and I hope you and your family have a wonderful CHRISTmas as well!!! Love, Amanda

P.S. Sweet E is getting so big and more adorable by the day!!!!