
Everly Allyn's Grand Arrival!

Our sweet girl was born Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:50 am after a night of cytotec to soften my cervix and a horrible morning of pitocin, an emergency c-section was ordered. This was due to my rapid descent. I was 1.5 cm dialated and then the next time I was checked I was 7 cm. About 10-15 minutes later I was 8-9 cm. Everly however was not budging from her comfy spot. Her heartrate increased and could not be controlled no matter which way they tugged and turned me. I know I said I did not want an epidural, but I now thank they Lord and whoever invented it! I was in severe pain from having my pitocin turned up to it's highest possible rate. I had the epidural at about 8:15 or so. I am also grateful, because once it was decided that I should have an immediate c-section, there was no need to wait on someone to come and administer an epidural. I was ready to go and so was my great team at Baptist. They handed Brett a set of scrubs and wheeled me to Operating Room 1. I told Brett later on I felt like I was a Nascar race. First, I was in the pits with the crew poking, prodding, and lifting. Then I was racing through the hall and to the OR. Then my crew chief (B) was brought in to encourage me the rest of the way. The whole ordeal was over in about 15 minutes. I am so thankful for the wonderful staff at Baptist East, especially Dr. G and Anya, my nurse. I don't know how I would have made it without these two.

Even though this is not the birth story I would have picked for us. Now, I wouldn't have it any other way. We were blessed with a healthy, happy baby girl and I am healing quicker than expected.

C-sections are painful once the morphine wears off, but thinking of the end result makes it all worth while.

So here she is....

Miss Everly Allyn Mack looking just like her daddy!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful! I know you are happy to be home with your precious little girl!

The Presleys said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations to you and Brett!

Kristen said...

How beautiful!!! So glad all is well with you guys and we can't wait to meet this sweet baby girl!

bethany@sippinsweetteablog said...

She's so sweet!!! What a pretty little thing! I'm sorry you had a rough time, but I'm so glad everything turned out good. I hope you and Brett are enjoying being new parents!

Anonymous said...

God can be so mysterious, and He really shows how brave we (as women) can be when it comes to c-sections; and Anya is an angel! I know from personal experience. She was present with Carter's birth as well and we loved her! You are right---East has a great team! I am so glad yall are doing well :) Everly is beautiful!

The Kyser's said...

CONGRATS! She is beautiful!!!!

Talina said...

What a small world! My daughter, also named Everly, was born on June 23rd 2009 as well!

Congrats to you and your family, she is beautiful. Love her name too! ;-P