
I Can't Sleep!

It's now 3:28 am and I've been awake for an hour or so. Now that I am awake I can't go back to sleep. My mind is racing. So many huge events are going on with us right now. We're moving from the only house we've ever lived in since we have been a married couple. We weren't supposed to close until August 9th,but all the paperwork is complete so they want to close this week. Luckily we have 10 days after closing to move. I am excited about moving. We're moving near our farm land and the whole family will get to see each other more often.

School is also about to start back. I have to start on Monday...yikes! I thought I was going shopping on Friday for my "back to school" clothes. Not that it's a big deal...but when exactly am I going to make that happen now. Then there's my classroom. I think of something new everyday that I want to do or needs to be done. I am in the process of painting my desk now. I am so thankful that one of my former students,Meg, came over today...check that yesterday to help keep Everly company while I worked. She's actually a pretty good painter too.

I thought maybe typing some boring random post would make me sleepy...no such luck. Sorry to bore everyone. I guess I'll go back to playing this Sushi Bar game on my phone. I'll probably stay up all night trying to beat it. Oh yeah and if there are any typos please forgive me. I always go back and read my posts and find several...yeah reading teacher who can't spell. That's the way to make our future brighter...ha! I just don't know of a spell check on the Blogger app. If you do, info me please!

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