
Sickness Stinks!

Hello from Nurse A! Last week at Sweet E's daycare there was a terrible virus going around. Only two of the babies were at school E and one other. Luckily she only goes three days a week. Most of the babies had been sent home the day before. On Friday I took her like normal and handed her off to her sweet teacher Ms. Rose. As I was filling out her morning report(what time she ate and any notes they need to know about) a grandmother was waiting to fill out a report too. She proceeds to tell us that she though that she had the virus too. She had gotten sick that morning, but was feeling better. Hello lady!!! A daycare is not where you need to be!!! So anyway. We were fine until Saturday evening. Brett put E to bed and I got into bed myself. I was not feeling so swift. I woke up at 11 and it was all downhill from there. B got up at 2 am and he was sick too. I was burning up and he was freezing cold. I made my way to the couch and the ceiling fan. E usually sleeps through the night and we prayed that she would this night. At 4 am we called his parents to tell them of our sickness and requested a few items(gatorade, ginger ale, crackers). We were down for the count. B nor I ever get sick. This was really hard for us. They came over with perfect timing. I heard E back in her crib playing and they were here within minutes of her waking up. Pop and Gimme (as they are called) came prepared with all the goods, including a bottle made for E! How great is that!! I had sprayed all the doorknobs (inside and out) before they got here and wiped down her carseat. She stayed with them last night too. This is the longest we've gone without seeing her, but I would much rather her be away and not get sick. So far, she hasn't even been sick...knock on lots of wood!! I am so grateful for our health and having a loving family!


The Presleys said...

I know how you feel! I got it when I was at my Mom's 2 weeks ago and thought "Thank God I am here and she can take care of them." About 2hours later she had it and my poor daddy had to take care of both kids solo! He was amazing. I didn't know he had it in him! And how my two haven't gotten sick I will never know! It's only by the grace of God!! Hope you guys get better soon!!

Amanda Mathis said...

I am so sorry to hear this and I hope you both get to feeling better soon!