
Two month check up

at 11 weeks
Sweet E weighed 8 lbs 6 oz, 22 1/2 inches long. She's only gained one pound since birth! I was very worried when I heard that, but Dr. B assured me that she is perfectly healthy. She was in the 10th percentile at her one month checkup and the same this time and in the 50th percentile for length.

She is now eating 4.5 oz of formula (Enfamil Lipil) every three hours. I nurse her in the evenings and anytime she wakes up during the night. I am so thankful that is she is able to do both. I love to nurse her. It's such a sweet bond that only a mother and child can share.

We think she has gained a pound since last week! She is getting little rolls on her legs and arms. She even has a belly!!

Everything is going great at daycare aka "school". Her school is a wonderful little place. I have never gone in to see any of the babies unhappy. That makes a mommy's heart smile!

Heading to the doctor for shots. She did great with the shots, but really hated the two hour long visit in the office. Know any good doctors relocating? We need more in our county!

1 comment:

The Presleys said...

Little E is going to be like Gehrig! He was (and still is) a runt! We when for Ella's 2 month and his 15 month appointments on the same day. He was 20lb 12oz she was 14lb 4oz. They are in the same size diapers. I am telling you this so you will know that you are not doing anything wrong and each child will be totally different. Just look at the VAST difference in mine!