
Don't ever take for granted...

anything. Sometimes when E is screaming her head off, especially her first few weeks when I didn't know what she wanted or how to fix it I would honestly think to myself...What have we done? I don't know if we're ready to be parents. Then I would think there are so many people who would love to have a child or others who would love for the only thing wrong with their baby is crying. I would just pray for wisdom and thank the Lord for E's health. This same scene has happened over and over again at our house. My thoughts really hit home with the tragic death of the two year old Ramer twins. I stumbled across their family blog this morning as I waited in our condo for Sweet E to wake up. I cried and cried for this mother and father. It drove home the point even more for me to never take anyone or anything for granted. This sweet mother has a strong relationship with the Lord and has found unknown strength in him. You can read their blog at The Ramers . I strongly encourage you to do so. Everyone can benefit from her writing. She even says the devil pulled those little angels into the water, but he's not winning. At the memorial four souls were saved.

1 comment:

The Brooks Bunch said...


Thanks for sharing. I think every new mother feels the "What have I done?" moments, but so few actually admit it. I have felt that same way with Sydney (especially with the extra fussiness that comes with reflux), but then I work in a hospital where kids are hurt and have horrible diseases and I thank God for my sweet blessing every day!