
Don't ever feel guilty about

a little me time. There are about 100 things (literally) that I need to be doing right now. I think I have seriously over booked myself from this past Thursday until next Friday. My cousin and family arrived late Wednesday night and are here until tomorrow. I love having family visit! The person that I am though thinks everything has to be perfect. I feel obligated to keep everyone entertained and happy. Also Thursday I have class in Dothan, then Friday we went to Destin all day and today I co-hosted a bridal shower, tomorrow I need to write a paper for Tuesday's class and get our house back in some order. Monday night we have the Farm/City Dinner, then I agreed to substitute for the director at the preschool all next week 8:00-3:00. On Tuesday & Thursday I will have to leave straight from work to go to school. Whew! This little mama is tired just thinking about it! So this afternoon on my way home from the bridal shower my cousin called to see if I wanted to go back to the beach. I actually said "No, I'm tired". I never do that...I always try to oblige...but today 'I" needed to rest! So, don't ever feel guilty about taking a little "me time" or as I like to call it "keep me sane time".

Oh no, I must go now....B's aunt and uncle are here from Nashville! ha ha...I actually called him to see if they were around...this "me time" is getting a little lonesome. I need to get outside and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day!

1 comment:

The Presleys said...

It's okay to have "me" time when the baby gets here too. Don't let anyone make you feel like you are a bad mother because you want some alone time. Being a Mom is a huge change in your life and it does you and the baby good to have time alone. It refreshes you and makes you a better mother!