
Getting settled...

After returning from Mobile on Monday afternoon, we have been trying to get back into somewhat of a routine. It's been really hard though with all of the extra activities. I had a my last final for the semester on Tuesday. I am really proud of my accomplishments since I have returned to school. My Troy GPA is 3.226. I am trying to make up for my slacking at AUM. This semester I made 2 As, 2 Bs and a C. The C was a 79...boo...that makes me mad that I missed a B by one point! Brett and I have also been working on his display board for the national competition. It was due yesterday and we got it turned in just in time. The pictures are a few that we submitted for the poster. We also had our 12 week doctor's appointment this week. Dr. G started with the Doppler. The heartbeat wasn't easily detectable. He asked if I had any bleeding...no...then of course all the horrible thoughts are running threw my head. Then, there it was...the amazing little heartbeat. It was 170 beats per minute...wow! It was a very quick visit. Next time I will have blood work and the following time we will find out the sex of our precious little child. From what we have calculated, it should be February 5th. Last night we had our Sunday school Christmas party. I think just about everyone was there, which is about 30-40 people. It was so good to catch up with everyone. We see each other every week but it's hard to be able to talk to everyone. I am so thankful B and I chose First Baptist. We have truly found a church home full of love. Today I am off to the Capital City for a Christmas Brunch with the ZTA Alumnae Group. I am very excited to be able to see all my friends and do a little shopping afterward. This should wrap up our Christmas shopping, yipee! I really don't think I have ever been done this early...not that it's early.


Anonymous said...

170??? Holy cow!! I still say GIRL for now! Can't wait to see more pictures!!

Shonna said...

I am Russell's sister and found you on Kristen's blog. Did Brett possibly go to Space Camp through
4H in like the 6th grade???